Freespace joining application

Free Space

The perfect opportunity to present and express yourself at this conference where Dalcroze Eurhythmicians from near and far gather and come together!

Date August 17th, 19th, 20th, 2014

Preferences of date will not be accepted; however, once the schedule is finalized, the specific dates will be announced in advance.
Time Evenings, after all the classes and lessons are concluded
Time allocation 15 minutes per group (including change over time)
Presenter Both single and group presentations are permitted. Please note that the representative must be a participant of the International Conference.
Participation Fee 2000yen per presentation (tax included)
Payment scheduled for the first day of the Internationl Conference (details to be announced after the completion of the application process)
Application Please email request to :
Application deadline June 30th, 2014
Content of email specify and email the following five points
 @ full name
 A contact (telephone) number
 B performance details ( refer to the below)
 C brief description of the performance details
 D total number of performers
Performance Details please circle the appropriate alphabet letter
 A)Plastique animee performance
    (content feasible for limited space)
 B)Other forms of performance
    (content feasible for limited space)
 C)Improvisation performance
    (regardless of instrument)
 D)Composition performance
    (regardless of original composition or composed repertoire)
 E)Presentations of research and proposals regarding
    Dalcroze Eurhythmics
 F)Others (describe presentation details)
Presentation Area Space : 20m x13m
height : 8m (to ceiling)
facilities:piano: available
     pipe chairs: up to 100 chairs
     floor: flat wooden flooring

For information

For information

If you have any questions of International Conference2014 please email request to